Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bitch, Bitch, Bitch.... Rant, Rant, Rant!!!!!

Things that pissed me off this wk...

  1. Incompetent work colleagues - who can't do their work properly and leave it for me to do without extra pay!
  2. Incompetent Managers who can't pull their proverbial out of their ARSE!!!! and do their job and expect you to do it for them...
  3. Getting stuck at work for 12.5 hrs in one stretch without a break and a crappy fucking meal to make up for it...
  4. Having boof heads watch not one sport but three at once !! If I wanted to get epilepsy that badly from channel changing I'd sit under the strobe at cube for fuck sake...
  5. this one really isn't a rant but hot boys who don't stay long enough in my bar to amuse me, thus leaving my fantasies half baked... I mean I'm an attractive girl I have needs to... lol
  6. Having to listen to the next door drunk beat the living shit out of his mrs - Sofonda says No and I'm pretty sure Australia does too! and the next time the copper coins are coming to take u away...

Things I'm loving atm...

so I'm getting ready for drag idol and this caught my eye... No one else has done it in the berra that I know of.. So I'm going to be different and hopefully win... comp is on the 25th of Sept.. hope to c u all there

Mwa love u long time

Sof xx oo

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blurred Months and Cumming Full Circle

(Its where all the cool queer kids meet) lol

Hey Dolls
Hows it going ?

Sorry that it has taken me soooooooo long to post a new entry... Have been kinda too busy to post and my old friend procrastination took me away from the computer so many times for parties that the last few months feel like a blur of continual hang overs lol

That and Moi has a BF OMG thats right his dreamy if i do say so myself and a real charmer too, a lil bit younger then myself but as the saying goes "ur only as young as the man/boy ur sleeping with" and atm i'm feeling all of 19.5 i'd say...

so the last four months could be put under the headline of DRAMAS, DRAMAS, DRAMAS...

So the year started with a bang no pun intended (or maybe there was)... and then the hype of mardi gras came along... which was awesome in its awesomeness, and then we descended into a second quarter fizzle.... not to get all financial on you but the GFC to me stands for Glitter Finally clear, not great financial crisis lol it usually takes a month to eat and wash all the glitter one is wearing at mardi gras away...

Once back from mardi gras i suffered a nasty injury from riding a pole that was unsatisfactorily fixed to the ceiling.. hence me doing one 360 around and only making 180 the second time around before the pole came crashing down with moi still firmly grasped onto it...

Next came the beginning of the end of a reasonable friendship... He who must not be named threw a dirty big queer spanner in the works at Le Palace Du Faggot De Monash.. and all hell preceded to be set loose... after moi enduring this crisis of friendship for two months along with the Queen( i'm only a princess the queen is the real bitch of the house) and would be king, It was decided that the jester also know as the royal pain in the ass lol i just said ass... had to be removed from the palace..

All the while that was going on I was falling head over heals for my very own prince charming.... and happily so still am....

lol anyway in july i got my mrs claus on but looked definately more Ms then Mrs
and did a fantastic show to Mariah (god bless her soul)

to cut a long post short I'm a very happy lil vegimite atm in a brand new house, content if but a lil bit pudgy so its off to the gym

Love Sof

xx oo

Thursday, February 19, 2009

OMG sorry guys!!

Hey My beautiful people,

Sorry it seems like for ever since my last blog post but i have been hella busy with work.. Looking beautiful an doing 40+ hrs wks just is too much sometimes..

So my show went ok, I think it went well for as much time as I had to prepare for it, an with a minor crowd hiccup at the last minute.. them being in the wrong part of the dance floor at Cube, but oh well shit happens... but yeah big thank yous go out to Azza an Trish my two fabulous back up dancers... (Trish honey i hope u get off ur speeding fine)...

My other shows got off to a nervous start... Being my first time at Hush.. I guess it was to be expected.. But after the first run through of the shows it went well. The lovely Anita lay and Gia Gspot were fantastic... an great fun to work with an i can't wait to work with them again...

Anita babe those Australian flag skirts were fantastic... will have to post videos of all the shows once i find my camera cord lol

So Yay Mardi Gras is only a matter of days (15 but who's counting) :P And I can't wait to leave the Capital to head to Gay Mecca for Gay Xmas...(IF you get the irony of the religious, never have been a fan of "organised religion") its going to be awesome.. we're staying at the bottom of the parade route looking out onto Hyde park.. I believe.. an Yay I get paid for a 96 hr fortnight 3 days beforehand Woot!! Oh its going to be so much fun, late nites dancing till ya drop or someone drops for ya lol drinking far too much then my liver Marcia can handle.. Boys, Boys, Boys an more boys... an for the record I'm not a slut I'm just festive as my housemate puts it.. I mean Wat Drag queen isn't lol an spending public holiday Monday in the ACT recovering before back to another week at the Circus (read Serco Sodexo) lol

Hmmm so will sign off now my gorgeous ones

hope ur well an hope ur praying for the Mexicans south of the border cos no C u Next Tuesday deserves that... Opps I said the "" word...

Loves ya

Sof xx oo

Friday, January 23, 2009

Nervous, nervous, Nelly, I'm a nervous, nervous, Nelly!!

Hey Fabulous People,

Well its the night before my first show in 3 months and I've got the start of butterflies in my stomach.. I'm starting to get the usual worries of; Is it going to be good enough, are people going to like it, will I forget my dance steps, will i have a Janet Jackson (wardrobe Malfunction), and of course the proverbial "Do you think this makes my bum look big....(imagine pouty lips)"

I've got a few new firsts in my show for tomorrow nite... I'm not wearing black!! surprise surprise, although moi does love black it is slimming! I'm not wearing my pink fuck me boots.. I'm wearing a new wig, one that I haven't worn out yet !! I'm doing part of a techno song to start with... I'm wearing earrings for the first time, bought them today an they look stunning if i do say so myself...

My outfit for tomorrow nite is going to consist of: a flowy pink dress with shoulder straps, some black heels with sequins on them.. some killer lashes, an some gorgeous earrings... I'm going for a more glamorous look then i usually go for... have a sneak peek... above...
Anyway I'm absolutely knackered an need to brush up on some lyrics...
but will leave you with some funny words from my two favourite horn bags from Fountain gate
" I've got two words for you Kimmy, Lipo-Suction" lol
Chukkas darlings Mwa Mwa
Loves ya Sof xx

Sunday, January 18, 2009

There's no place like home, there's no place like home!

Sup' Dolls

So YAY I'm back home in Kansas (Canberra). I would've said that I clicked my ruby red slippers three times and said "there's no place like home, there's no place like home", like our mutual friend Dorothy. But truth be told moi doesn't own a pair, LOL you see red has never been my colour... So I clicked my hot pink stiletto boots together in Wagga Wagga this arvo an three hours later we arrived home in the Nations Capital, after an interesting car ride home, full of singing and dancing around the car much to the amusement of truckers and families passing by us on the Hume. My housemate must've wore himself out, because by Murrumbateman he was sound asleep face down laying feet to the dashboard...

Although he could've been just worn out from last nites party cos man was that fun... If i did the nut bush one more time i think i could've caused myself an injury... lol but not from dancing but from the amount of strawberry daiquiris i consumed... Was a great nite an i hope mama chalker enjoyed herself, cos i sure as hell did!!

anyway guys I need to go try outfits on for my show on Friday nite... cos now comes the lead up to Friday where I start to freak out.. happens every time... lol anyway must dash lol

Loves ya Sof xx

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Welcome to Wagga Wagga - Wagga Who?

Hey Dolls,

Well I've unplugged my curling iron an headed bush for a weekend away in what my house mate calls the 'biggest' inland city in NSW... The reason for coming to this not so quite cosmopolitan burb is to attend Mama chalkers 50Th birthday bash.. which is tonight an should be fun..

As you come into wagga the sign says "welcome to Wagga Wagga - home of the National Glass Gallery" which says to me we couldn't agree on something better so here have something benign... LOL My house mate has told me it was meant to say "birth place of Dame Edna" but I guess that's a lil to gay for such a redneck place to cope with..

The one thing that strikes me is the apparent lack of young gay guys here.. I mean in my home burb of Orange there seems to be something in the water cos they are thick and visible.. not so here.. I mean how hard is it to find a nice boy for a nice girl so they can go "watch a movie" as a now disgraced former friend once put it..

The one thing i will say about this city is it isn't short on hot straight boys.. they're everywhere an moi is having a hard time staying lady like and keeping my tongue in between my glittery lip glossed lips.. I swear some of the hotties are making me feel like I'm going through menopause 30 yrs early.. lil hot under the collar much..

So to pass the time in this over hot an dry place I've been taking some time out to watch a YouTube clip or seven... here is wat i'm liking ATM Its so hot an can't wait to see the guys perform live next time I'm in Melbourne.. Swish and Sondra an mega hot Drag queens if u ask me... I'd go lesbionic for them... lol

Anyway my gorgeous people this hot weather is making me think that its definitely Strawberry Daiquiri time. An yes it'll be in a big glass to make my hands look smaller..

Love Sofonda mwa mwa

Friday, January 16, 2009

Loving this right now..

So I found this on youtube, an although the sound quality isn't great on it because its a bit quiet... Its still hot an the make up I think is phenomenal.. loves it!! I only wish I was as good as this, someday maybe I will be...